In a 2-3 page paper:Describe two to three theories that relate to your topic (alcoholism) in some manner. To accommodate the broad spectrum of social issues that might be explored, aim to find theories that attempt to explain some the following areas:The reason(s) for why the social issue exists or persistsFactors that contribute to itSocial, environmental, political, or economic considerations that underlie itEmerging alternative viewpoints that clarify the issueCritically evaluate the theories described, taking into account their benefits and limitations, as well as how health and human service organizations might use them to better understand the scope of the issue.Describe two to three examples of research studies that have explored the issue. These studies must come from their original source; do not rely on literature reviews that summarize research conducted by others. Studies can examine any area related to the issue with the exception of interventions, as this will be addressed in the Week Three assignment. Examples include:Exploring the social issue’s impact on a specific groupIdentifying relationships between variables (Trochim, 2006) related to the issueExamining social attitudes and viewpoints through survey research (Trochim, 2006)Identifying emerging trendsExploring lived experiences or personal accounts using qualitative data (Trochim, 2006)Analyze pertinent aspects related to the research studies, such as core aims/objectives, research methods used, findings, and implications for future research and/or practice.

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