Career Management Portfolio and Annotated Table of Contents (350 Points)There are two components for this Portfolio Project: a career management portfolio (which is to be developed but not submitted) and an annotated career management portfolio table of contents (which will be submitted at the end of Week 8).Career Management PortfolioA career management portfolio should be tailored to your individual needs. You will outline your career management portfolio in Week 3 and then structure and expand your portfolio each week through in-class discussions and assignments and out-of-class research. Your career management portfolio is not submitted as an assignment but is intended to be a work-in-progress to be used and developed over a career lifetime. As described in Module 3, the elements of a career management portfolio can include, but are not limited to, the following:Part 1: Career PlanningPart 2: Career Development ToolsPart 3: Career ManagementCareer success definitionSkills improvement planProfessional development planSkills inventoryCareer goalsCareer networking contactsCurrent job descriptionResumes and biosPromotion criteriaAchievements (newspaper clippings, certificates)Letters of recommendationMentoring planTranscriptsIndustry handbookIndustry trendsVolunteer work historyInterview checklists and videosWorkforce trendsProfessional membershipsNegotiation skills refreshersUpdated career success definitionAnnotated Career Management Portfolio Table of ContentsYou will use your career management portfolio to develop an annotated career management portfolio table of contents (TOC), to be submitted at the end of Week 8. The TOC will include the following three parts, as described in Module 3:Part 1: Career PlanningPart 2: Career Development ToolsPart 3: Career ManagementIn the annotated TOC, each Part (1, 2, and 3) should contain a list of portfolio elements. For each portfolio element, include the title and a one-paragraph explanation (with credit to sources through citations). Both required and optional portfolio elements will be included in the TOC. Those required elements of the TOC include:Original and current career success definitionSelf-AssessmentSkills InventoryCareer PathCareer Evaluation methodsCareer Decision Making and Reflections.Optional portfolio elements are unlimited, and you are encouraged to expand and adjust the portfolio to meet your individual needs.Your well-written annotated TOC should also meet the following requirements:4-8 pages in lengthFormatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements

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