CASE STUDY:  MCDONALDSHow did MCDONALDS Managing Change Globally: it is a vast filed related to managing the company in a way that it can survive and remain competitive in the global business climate that is rapidly changing over the years in different countries.Analysis (45 Marks): should write the analysis of the effectiveness of the chosen theme in supporting the MNEs international business strategies and their ability to adapt to the disruptive and competitive global business environment.Also Explanation as to how to MCDONALDS faced the issues in different countries and how did it manage to establish its name by making sure to have different flavours added to its menu according to the country its established, Also please compare how its established its standards managing globally and making sure to keep the taste alive , compare between MCDONALDS INDIA and MCDONALDS US/CANADA.APA STYLENO PLAGIARISMFULL CITATIONFULL REFERENCES

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