Dr. Frost, Dr. Summer, and Dr. Mansfield work together in a group practice. They share scheduling, coding and billing staff. However, the doctors sometimes have different ideas on how things  should be done. When Dr. Mansfield sees a patient for a breast biopsy,  she knows that she will spend 1.25 hours with that patient and will bill  $750 for the procedure. Then she will need a 20-minute break between  patients to prepare specimen right away for pathology. She does not want  any deviation from this.Dr. Summer is a dermatologist who sees patients with varying degrees  of skin lesions needing removal. Until it’s over, he wants to keep  options open about the coding and billing, even the length of time the  patient might take.Dr. Frost, our third doctor, is open to seeing patients who need  lengthy consultations, except on Thursday afternoons. On Thursdays, he  has to pick up his daughter at 2:00 pm. When staff schedule a  complicated case they need to make sure it is not for Thursday  afternoon. Office staff members are tired of using post-it notes on the  desk to remind themselves of these different needs.Your task:Write a 1- page paper that answers the following:Do you think these varying needs would be challenging for a scheduling system? Why or why not? What sort of alerts or reminders would you put into their system(s)? Brainstorm 4-5 solutions and issues for dealing with these various needs.Be sure to cite your source(s) and make sure your paper is free of spelling and grammar errors.

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