1) Archaeologists inform us that public relations has roots inA. Iraq, where bulletins informed farmers how to grow more foodB. England, where 18th century bulletins hailed the coming of the British Industrial RevolutionC. Rome, where tablets paid tribute to new rulersD. China, where during the Ming Dynasty peasants wrote messages on the Great Wall2) The word propaganda originated withA. the Creel Committee during World War IIB. Pope Gregory XV, who established a College in 17th Century Rome to spread the word about CatholicismC. Sophists, who walked around telling citizens of Rome who to vote for.D. the farmers who grew grapes in ancient Italy3) The growth of public relations as an accepted business-like practice in the United States of America stems fromA. the British Industrial RevolutionB. the American Industrial RevolutionC. the efforts of people like Samuel Adams and Amos KendallD. the hype of P.T. Barnum4) Applying the widely repeated definition of public relations developed by the late Denny Griswold to serve an organization properly, practitioners ought to serve asA. counsels to chief legal officersB. honest brokers to managementC. advisers to human resources directorsD. consultants to directors of marketing5) To effectively communicate with a public, it is important to recognize thatA. all publics have the same needsB. all publics are most interested in the technology you useC. all publics have their own special needs and require different types of communicationD. all publics have overlapping organizational needs6) If you target “experiencers,” you’re likely using ________ to segment a public.A. geographicsB. demographicsC. values and lifestylesD. sociometrics7) Employees would trust management more if theyA. were less visibleB. didn’t seek to empower the workforceC. communicated more frequently and earlierD. avoided sharing bad news8) One major reason to do an in-depth interview of top management and communicators before designing an effective employee communications program is toA. minimize the discontinuities between what each group thinks the other wants.B. ignore what communicators think management wants from themC. ignore what management thinks it wants from communicatorsD. to minimize groupthink9) As arbiters of communications in organizations, it’s been the charge of public relations people since the 1960s toA. deal in an enlightened manner with the realities of a multicultural societyB. sensitize the rest of the world to multicultural needs of AmericansC. make an impact on renewing the energies of various ethnic communitiesD. enhance the power of the disenfranchised10) A typical goal of consumer relations is to keep former customers becauseA. most product complaints are made by new customersB. most service complaints come from new customersC. most requests for product upgrades come from prospective customersD. most sales are made to established customers11) How does advice to clients from lawyers differ from advice given to clients by public relations practitioners?A. Lawyers advise clients what they should do, within the letter of legal requirements, to defend themselves in the court of public opinion.B.  Public relations practitioners advise clients what they must do to defend themselves in a court of law.C. Lawyers advise clients what they should do to act ethically and socially responsible.D. Public relations practitioners advise clients what they should do to defend themselves in the court of public opinion.12) Litigation public relations can best be defined asA. attempting to influence a potential jury prior to the beginning of a caseB. attempting to gain buy-in from the legal teams associated with the caseC. attempting to settle the case out of courtD. attempting to manage the media process during the course of a legal dispute so as to affect the outcome or its impact on the client’s reputation13) An organization’s social responsibility image is often determined byA. its desire to earn a profit above all elseB. its focus on being the number one patron of the artsC. its attention to be ethical and to improve the quality of life for peopleD. its focus on looking good rather than doing the right thing14) The success of public relations in the 21st century is likely to depend heavily onA. following the Code of Ethics published by the Society of Professional JournalistsB. following regulatory standards set forth by the Federal Communications CommissionC. how the field responds to the issue of ethical conduct and preserves its credibilityD. remaining vigilant regarding a person’s right to privacy15) Reasons why print media are number one with public relations professionals includeA. decreased opportunities for network radio and TV placementsB. about 50 percent of the public considers them accurateC. many journalists at newspapers and magazines still use news releasesD. they are publishing 24/716) Since the end of the 1990s, magazine readershipA. has declined overallB. has remained stable, especially in the specialty categoryC. has increased, with specialty magazines leading the wayD. has declined, with specialty magazines leading the way17) Which of the following is good advice for public relations people who want to know how to deal effectively and ethically with people representing the various types of media?A. Treat them first and foremost professionally and with respectB. Treat them like all other journalists in any mediumC. Treat their skepticism with skepticismD. Treat them like a salesperson selling a product to a customer18) To achieve placement of a written release, which of the following should you avoid?A. Directing a release to a specific beat reporterB. Frequently using exclusivesC. Determining how best to contact a reporter or editor by asking them for their preferenceD. Calling a reporter or editor yourself, rather than have an assistant make the call19) The use of video news releases has been criticized forA. excessive cause-related marketingB. presenting advertising as newsC. supporting advocacy advertising campaignsD. deliberate misrepresentation of facts20) Like corporate public interest advertising, the public service announcement (PSA) is aimed at providing an important message. However, a key distinction is that the PSAA. can only be used by government organizationsB. can only be used in “emergency” situationsC. is strictly reserved for nonprofit organizationsD. differs greatly in format and style21) A 30-second radio spot would usually be expected to consist of approximatelyA. 25 wordsB. 45 wordsC. 65 wordsD. 125 words22) Which of the following web-based communications vehicles are appropriate for public relations practitioners to distribute content easily?A. PodcastingB. RSSC. Second LifeD. Wikis23) When they use the Internet to communicate, practitioners canA. engage in more focused, targeted, one-on-one communication with consumersB. design more self-promotionsC. increase time spent searching for dataD. decrease time spent on responding to market changes24) If public relations professionals expect to benefit from their website, theyA. should strive to make it as easily navigable as possibleB. should strive to make it staticC. should strive to deliver the maximum depth and breadth of information availableD. should strive to limit the use of news clips and publications25) Which of the following is true in regards to texting?A. Allows for sending messages of 160 or more charactersB. Common application in business-to-business communicationC.  Not a common application for person-to-person messagingD. Is the most widely used mobile data service26) Public relations practitioners have found that Twitter can beA. a vehicle to direct Twitter users to websitesB. a vehicle to direct Twitter users to productsC. a means to do some cybersquattingD. an editorial calendar check27) Which of the following pertain to CEO blogs?A. They have received rave reviews from various publics.B. They typically turn negative public relations positive almost instantly.C.  They are among the newest phenomena in the blogosphere.D. They are the vehicle of choice among most public relations practitioners for disseminating news.28) Among the most essential steps in the public relations management process isA. the ability to set overall organizational objectivesB. the ability to set overall organizational strategiesC. the ability to define a public relations problem or an opportunityD. the ability to research overall organizational problems29) PERT and Gantt are tools that can help public relations practitioners toA. visualize tasks to be performed in a campaign or projectB. designate who’s responsible for each task in a campaignC. chart costs of various tasksD. determine whether all goals and objectives are being met30) Planning for a public relations program is important, but principally a program is assessed in terms of itsA. publicity value and practiceB. performance and publicity valueC. actions and performanceD. programming and publicity value

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