Of all the designs presented in the appendix, which one would you consider the most effective while also being practical enough to convince your current place of employment to adopt it? (representative sampling design). What types of resistance would you face in your area of employment should this design be adopted? Explain your response. (You may also refer to your experience with a previous employer or speak in generic terms—what design you would convince an organization to adopt and why.)PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY YOU AGREE WITH MY CLASSMATE RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS? (A MININUM OF 150 WORDS)                                                         CLASSMATE’S POSTI would choose the representative sampling design adopted into my place of work because of the diverse culture of trainees attending each training course. The representative sampling matches trainees according to age, time with the department, and educational background (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). The equivalence within each group could help the trainer provide the adequate material needed for the groups to get the most out of the training experience. For example, the group with advanced on-the-job is usually bored and disinterested while the trainer gives the new employees the material needed to begin employment. By providing the more experienced group activities that are updated and helpful in improving job performances, the advanced group will benefit from the repetitive training courses.  A problem could occur in the representative sampling design with the new hires feeling competitive toward the advanced groups. Because many newly hired employees have a motivation with an eagerness to learn, some might feel their amount of training is limited and keeps them from advancing at the fast rate desired. The advanced group could have employees with years of experience, but lacking in motivation and drive. When employees no longer care about the job, they sometimes are threatened by something new or updated that changes the norm. For example, a trainer provides the advanced group with material that changes the prison facilities’ inmate count procedures. The veteran employees have been conducting count procedures the same way for years, and a new system of count could be threatening and unwanted while the new-hires with no experience in the old ways, will learn the new system without complaint.                                                                   ReferenceBlanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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