Project Title/SubjectDeveloping Your Personal Management Development PlanType of ServiceResearch PaperUrgency 12 to 18 hoursCitation StyleCheck Explanations below and also Cite this book as you writeDaft, Richard L. Management, 12th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2016. [Chegg]. No. of Pages/Wordcount 8 page(s)/2200 Words No. of Sources/References1English USDescription EXERCISES TO BE CONDUCTEDNote, the below exercises are from the 12th edition of the Daft text. Students who may be using an earlier or later edition may find some differences in the assessments provided. This is fine because all of the assessments are excellent, regardless of book edition. I.INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENTChapter 1 – Innovative Management for a Changing World1. Manager Achievement (p. 3)2. New Manager Self-Test: Managing Your Time – (p. 22)3. Apply Your Skills: Management Aptitude Questionnaire (p. 31) Chapter 2 – The Evolution of Management4. Are You a New-Style or an Old-Style Manager? (p. 39)5. New Manager Self-Test: Evolution of Style (p. 51)6. Apply Your Skills: Security or Autonomy? (p. 64) II. THE ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENTChapter 3 – The Environment and Corporate Culture7. Are You Fit for Managerial Uncertainty? (p. 75)8. New Manager Self-Test: Culture Preference (p. 97)9. Apply Your Skills: Working in an Adaptability Culture (p. 101) Chapter 4 – Managing in a Global Environment10. Are You Ready to Work Internationally? (p. 111)11. New Manager Self-Test: Are You Culturally Intelligent? (p. 137)12. Apply Your Skills: What Are Your Social Values? (p. 141) Chapter 5 – Managing Ethics and Corporate Responsibility13. What is Your Level of Ethical Maturity? (p. 151)14. New Manager Self-Test: Are You a Giver or Taker? (p. 162)15. Apply Your Skills: Ethical Work Climates (p. 174)Chapter 6 – Managing Small Business Startups 16. Do You Think Like an Entrepreneur? (p. 183)17. New Manager Self-Test: Perceived Passion (p. 199) 18. Apply Your Skills: What’s Your Entrepreneurial IQ? (p. 206)III. PLANNNINGChapter 7 – Managerial Planning and Goal Setting19. Does Goal Setting Fit Your Management Style? (p. 218)20. New Manager Self-Test: Your Approach to Studying (p. 226)Chapter 8 – Strategy Formulation and Execution21. What is Your Strategy Strength? (p. 250) 22. New Manager Self-Test: Your Approach to Studying, Part 2 (p. 251)23. Apply Your Skills: Strategic Thinking Blueprints (p. 276)Chapter 9 – Managerial Decision-Making24. How Do You Make Decisions? (p. 283)25. New Manager Self-Test: Making Important Decisions (p. 293)26. Apply Your Skills: What’s Your Personal Decision Style? (p. 309)IV. ORGANIZINGChapter 10 – Designing Adaptive Organizations27. What Are Your Leadership Beliefs? (p. 321)28. New Manager Self-Test: Authority Role Models (p. 326)29. Apply Your Skills: Organic Versus Mechanistic Organization Structure (p. 354)Chapter 11 – Managing Change and Innovation30. Do You Have True Grit? (p. 363)31. New Manager Self-Test: Assess Your Creativity (p. 371)32. Apply Your Skills: Is Your Company Creative? (p. 389)Chapter 12 – Managing Human Resources33. Getting the Right People on the Bus (p. 399)34. New Manager Self-Test: What is Your Focus? (p. 407)35. Apply Your Skills: Do You Want to Be an HR Manager? (p. 428) Chapter 13 – Managing Diversity36. Do You Have a Gender and Authority Bias? (p. 438)37. New Manager Self-Test: Valuing Workplace Diversity (p. 448)38. Applying Your Skills: How Tolerant Are You? (p. 460) Chapter 14 – Understanding Individual Behavior39. Are You Self-Confident? (p. 471)40. New Manager Self-Test: Expressed Emotions (p. 491)41. Apply Your Skills: Personality Assessment: Jung’s Typology (p. 500)Chapter 15: Leadership 42. Task Versus People Orientation (p. 511)43. New Manager Self-Test: What is Your Follower Style? (p. 535) 44. Apply Your Skills: What is the Impact of Leadership (p. 541)Chapter 16: Motivating Employees45. What Motivates You? (p. 55146. New Manager Self-Test: Need for Achievement, Affiliation, and Power (p. 561)47. Apply Your Skills: What Motivates You? (p. 578)Chapter 17: Managing Communications48. Do You Focus on What Others Say? (p. 588)49. New Manager Self-Test: Are You Building a Personal Network? (p. 606)50. Apply Your Skills: Personal Assessment of Communication Apprehension (p. 612)Chapter 18 – Leading Teams51. How Do You Like to Work? (p. 621)52. New Manager Self-Test: What Team Role Do You Play? (p. 637)VI. CONTROLLINGChapter 19 – Managing Quality and Performance53. Improvement Attitude (p. 65930)54. New Manager Self-Test: What is Your Attitude Toward Organization Regulation? (p. 669)55. Apply Your Skills: Is Your Budget in Control? (p. 686)FORMATING YOUR PERSONAL MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PLANBelow is the recommended format for organizing each student’s Personal Management Development Plan (PMDP). Cover PageTable of Contents1. Introduction2. Personal Background2. My Career Objectives3. Where I See My Management Strengths 4. Where I See My Management Weaknesses5. New Insights Gained from Exercises in ManagementText 6. Management Areas Where I Need to Improve 7. Personal Actions I Plan to Take to Improve My Management Capabilities8. Summary and Conclusions AppendixA. Exercises Performed and Summary of ResultsB. Bibliography or references if additional research was conducted

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