1.The textbook presents five approaches to organizational design. Describe the five distinct theories and/or approaches and key elements to:o classical, bureaucratic theorieso human resource approacheso contingency theorieso open systems theoryo empowerment approaches                                            2. Which organizational approach do you think is best for a human service organization?3. What are the advantages of using a bureaucratic approach in a human service organization?4. What is the overall purpose of the Human Resource model relative to motivation as promoted by Argyris (1957, as cited in Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2012)?5. Describe the major types of organizational structures, according to Lewis, Packard, and Lewis (2012)?6. Chahal (2016) presents examples of organizations that are breaking away from   traditional leadership models.What do these unconventional leadership models have in common? Do you see these kinds of leadership models working in human service organizations?           To anwer 1-6 refer to Lewis, J.A., Packard, T.R., & Lewis, M.D. (2012). Management of human service programs (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole                             7. How do you differentiate between the concepts of delegating vs. empowering?8. How can you apply this information to managing a human services organization? To answer 7-8 refer to video link http://www.vea.com.au/tafe/qa-delegating-and-empowering.html

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