QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. From your own work and study of helping, what evidence do you have of the importance of assessment and planning?2. If you were a helper, what three principles would guide your work? Provide a    rationale for your choices.3. Describe Roy’s strengths and how they might impact the helping process.4. What ethical dilemmas might you encounter in Roy’s case?5. What is the purpose of a code of ethics or ethical standards?6. How will a client’s resistance affect his or her participation in the service coordination process?                                                                                                                                                   To answer the question used the link to the reading material below.,+what+evidence+do+you+have+of+the+importance+of+assessment+and+planning?&source=bl&ots=rqUFiKZ5ac&sig=2iDQT9DZD0Iu3c_mJXqwNARPUEw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW7YPFxtTTAhXK7oMKHZlPAokQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=From%20your%20own%20work%20and%20study%20of%20helping%2C%20what%20evidence%20do%20you%20have%20of%20the%20importance%20of%20assessment%20and%20planning%3F&f=false

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