Respond to the post.  APA Cite 250 wordsHospice care is different than nursing home care. Pratt stated, “Both Pierre and Alicia are being treated as consumers here. This is because the surviving spouse or other family members need hospice services as well as the patient” (pg. 224). There are many services provided by hospice, including counseling. Looking at nursing home care, the patient is sent to a place away from home, and taken care of. Hospice care is for patients that have a terminal diagnosis. Nursing home care takes care of patients that are too hard to be cared for at home, or for people that have no family. Hospice care pretty much prepares the patient and family for the death that is going to happen. It progressively becomes more and more prevalent to the patients as their condition worsens. Pratt said, “Hospice agencies focus on comfort and quality of life, rather than curative treatments” (pg. 201), Hospice care is given to patients in a nursing home. It is given to patients wherever they reside. It is given to patients and their families in order to make the time from diagnosis to the passing easier, even though nothing will make it easy. Pratt, J.R. (2016). Long-Term Care: Managing Across the Continuum (4th ed.). Burlington, Ma: Jones and Bartlett Learning

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