Respond to this post. Make sure it is apa Cite and ask a question Hospice care is somewhat different from Home health care, but they do share some similarities.  For example, they both provide medical care to the individual.  Home health care provides support in getting BETTER.  They both teach about self-care, diet and help set up appointments for the patient and ensures that they make it to appointments.  With hospice care it is not usually started till it appears that the patient is only give live about 6 moths.  The care is designed to help support emotionally, assist the home caregiver help maintain the patients comfort levels, and help plan out end of life plans (will, burial, living will, etc.)  Hospice care is indeed offered at nursing homes, because some people who are older may already be in nursing homes when the need for hospice care arrives. ReferencesPratt, J. R. (2016). Long-Term Care: Managing Across the Continuum, Fourth Edition. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.The Difference Between Home Care, Palliative and Hospice Care. (2019). Retrieved April 8, 2019, from

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