In order to allow you to prepare and practice responding to questions using the STAR format discussed in the Persuasive Content Design lecture, please give an example of each of the following 10 soft-skills you have utilized in the past. Examples can come from past or current jobs, student organization involvement, class projects, volunteer work or personal examples. Your responses mustbe 7-10 sentences each using the STAR(Situation Task Action Result) format. If you have never used this skill, please describe how you plan on attaining the skill in the future.1) Skill 1: Verbal Communication2) Skill 2: Leadership3) Skill 3: Ability to work as a team4) Skill 4: Showing Initiative/Self-Motivation5) Skill 5: Time Management6) Skill 6: Written Communication7) Skill 7: Problem Solving8) Skill 8: Analytical /Quantitative Skills9) Skill 9: Attention to Detail10) Skill 10: Flexibility/Adaptability to changing environment

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