Unit 3 Case StudyCourse Textbook- Noe, R. A. (2017). Employee training and development (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLYI have attached Pg 196 which contains the case study.I also attached Pgs 161-173 which has the motivational theories listed.For the case study, we will focus on the importance of safety and all parties helping to make safety a priority. The effectiveness of the safety training will depend on how prepared the participants are for the training and their perception of the training.Review “Case: Safety First” located in the textbook on page 196, and respond to the prompts below. You are not required to answer the questions at the end of the case study in the textbook. 1. Examine the components of an effective training needs analysis for this scenario. What would the basic parts for a successful training program be?2. Describe how the training should be delivered, and briefly describe one motivational theory from those listed on pages 161–173 in the textbook and how it supports this type of training to enhance an organization’s performance.Your case study should be at least two pages in length. You are not required to use APA style for this assignment; however, your writing should be clear and concise.

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